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Sri Lanka Day 37 (Welisara): Wedding Treat & Meeting with Managing Director

AHHH so tired. And my forearms are aching so much I ahve no idea why.

Breakfast: Seafood noodles

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Someone got married today and it is a tradition here that if you have celebrated some special occasions, you would have to treat the people in the office too like for example birthday or wedding. So these are some snacks he shared. Personally, only the cracker suited my taste buds. It is similar to the beehive Chinese New Year goodies. The birthday treat is usually ice cream! The people here absolutely love ice cream jusdging from the long queue during Poya Day when free ice creams were given out.

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Continued with costing report and I’m proud to say I’m 95% done. Finally see some light.

Lunch: Tandoori chicken only because I don’t have much appetite.

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Met Managing Director and Mr Thanveer today and I have started to worry about the final presentation and this week’s number of report modifications. OH MAN.

Dinner: Club sandwich (again)

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Talked to Daddy at night and HAHHAAH his texts in our family whatsapp group is just too funny. Called Mummy too and I’m glad that the data used was so only 15mb for 30min conversation on viber! AMAZINGG… Really missed all of them and I love how my sisters and I ganged up together and not give Daddy’s face at all. HAHAHHAH love him for being open about that and knowing that we are not being rude, unlike the very traditional mindset of some parents who will totally think that that is being disrespectful.

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